Deep In The Sheets Signed Paperback
Deep In The Sheets Signed Paperback
Top 100 Billionaire Romance Bestseller
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Getting an internship at the biggest accounting firm in Boston is no small feat. But when my straight boss becomes my new Daddy, everything I’ve worked so hard for is put in jeopardy. Even so, I love every minute of it.
Every year, the MBA candidates fight for internships all across the city. Somehow, I managed to land the most sought-after position in Massachusetts. I’m personal assistant to Timothy Hark, billionaire, CEO, and one of the most handsome men I’ve ever seen in my life.
The problem? He’s my boss now, nearly twice my age, a jerk, and he has a girlfriend. However, that hasn’t stopped him from gawking whenever I’m near him. I can’t deny I’ve been fantasizing about having him as my Daddy, and how he looks at me gives me the idea that he wouldn’t mind either.
It’s not until the office Christmas party that our strictly professional relationship takes a turn. When he drags me into an empty conference room by my collar, I assume he’s about to knock my teeth out. I never expected him to kiss me or to call me his Boy.
It should have stopped there. But despite our trepidation, we can’t keep our hands off of one another, even during office hours when we could be caught at any moment. Tim’s even starting to be sweet on me.
Then, Tim’s ex-girlfriend walks through the door, saying she wants to marry him. I could lose him forever if he says yes. But if I tell anyone about our forbidden romance, I can kiss my degree, my job, and my new Daddy goodbye.
TROPES: billionaire, Daddy (NO age play), enemies to lovers, found family, forbidden love, and hurt/comfort.
Getting an internship at the biggest accounting firm in Boston is no small feat. But when my straight boss becomes my new Daddy, everything I’ve worked so hard for is put in jeopardy. Even so, I love every minute of it.
Signed paperback not available anywhere else!
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Read Sample
One: Jax
The meeting room was stuffed to capacity. A massive table took up most of the room with the executives seated around it. That left standing room only for the interns, of which I was one. All of us had our eyes trained on the most handsome man I’d ever seen.
He was tall and muscular, with a square jaw that could cut glass. His brown hair was tightly cropped, but I could still see the gray coming in at his temples. Most days, he was clean-shaven, but today, he had a bit of stubble, like he’d run out of time getting ready before work. It was unlike him to be anything less than perfect, but considering this wasn’t a good meeting, I figured it was due to stress.
And I would have felt bad for him if I didn’t hate him so much.
Timothy Hark, billionaire and CEO founder of Hark Accounting Firm, was one of the most stuck-up and irritating people I’d ever met in my life. Not only that, by some cruel stroke of fate, I’d been assigned as his personal assistant for the duration of my internship. For the last three months, I’d been practically living in his shadow, doing every little thing he asked of me. That meant working late every night, fetching coffee, and being treated like a slave in general. He knew I couldn’t quit if I wanted my degree, and I knew that a halfway decent reference from his firm would land me any job I wanted.
It was a The Devil Wears Prada situation, and I was Andy, except I didn’t have the choice to quit. But compared to Timothy Hark, Miranda was a fucking angel.
And yet, no matter how much I hated him or how overworked I was, I couldn’t stop staring at him every chance I got. When I slept, I dreamed of him. And when I woke up with raging morning wood and a few spare minutes, he was the man I couldn’t help thinking of as I stroked myself to completion.
I felt insane. Apparently, I was a masochist or something without knowing it. But, no matter how much I fantasized about him, I knew it would never amount to more than that. And somehow, that made me feel safe.
Tim wasn’t shy about parading his trophy girlfriend around the office. They’d been dating for something like five years, according to the gossip around the office. She was gorgeous, shaped like a supermodel, and wore only the most expensive designer clothing purchased on Tim’s credit card, no doubt. He doted on her day and night, giving her every tiny thing she asked for, from diamond earrings to new cars. At first, I looked upon her with jealousy, but as time went on, I realized she was hustling just like the rest of us to make it in this world. And good for her. Anybody who put up with that man deserved to be compensated for their patience.
I nearly jumped out of my skin as someone shouted my name. Looking up, I saw my boss staring at me, an extremely disapproving look on his face.
“Yes! What can I help with?”
“Can you do your fucking job and pay attention?” he growled. “I know we don’t pay you, but I’m sure you’d like to pass your internship, right?”
I nodded.
“Good. I need those spreadsheets on the Hershe account finished by tomorrow morning.”
“Can do,” I replied, knowing full well I hadn’t even started them yet. I’d probably be up all night getting them finished. “I’ll have them on your desk before you get in tomorrow.”
Tim clicked his tongue. “We’ll see.”
It took everything I had to keep the fake smile on my face. “You’ve been coming in much later, so it shouldn’t be a problem.”
The tension in the room doubled in the span of a second, my snarky remark putting everyone on edge. There were a few knowing glances exchanged between the executives. I wasn’t the only person who’d noticed that Tim was coming in late and leaving early recently, usually with his girlfriend on his arm. Granted, the holidays were right around the corner, but the fourth quarter was crunch time for accountants. Everyone was putting in late hours. Everyone except Tim, that is.
“Good,” Tim said through gritted teeth. “That’ll give you extra time to fix all the mistakes you make.”
He was pissed. My smart mouth would cost me. I just wasn’t sure how yet. But when it got the better of me, Tim always found more work for me to do. I could probably look forward to at least one or two sleepless nights here soon.
“And the final piece of business,” Tim continued, straightening himself up. “The company Christmas party is this weekend. Executives are welcome to bring their spouses; food and drink will be provided. Interns are… also welcome.” Tim’s dark green eyes were trained on me. “However, this is not a frat party. You will be expected to be on your best behavior for the duration as some of our most important clients will also be present. You are representing Hark Accounting, so act like it.” He turned his attention to the group of interns standing around me at the back of the room. “And do not solicit every single person you meet for a job. If you make a good impression without being blatant, it’s quite possible that some of you might find yourselves in an excellent position come next spring.”
It wasn’t hard to figure out that he meant everyone else would have a good position after we graduated. I had a feeling that landing one of the best internships in the city was somehow working against me. However, regardless of reference, it still looked good on my resume. I didn’t plan on sticking around Boston after school anyway. I wanted to move someplace warmer that was far away from Timothy Hark.
“That’s all I’ve got for today,” Tim said, finishing his speech. “See you next Thursday.”
Everyone began to shift, but I made sure I was the first out the door. There were a couple things I needed to put on Tim’s desk before he got back to his office and I didn’t particularly want to get another talking to.
Jogging down the hall, I ducked through a tight group of cubicles, finding mine at the very end. My desk was covered in papers, the mess a clear representation of my scrambled brain since I started the position at Hark Accounting. Digging through, I found what I was looking for and headed back toward Tim’s office.
While my part of the floor was thin gray carpet, gray cubicles, and a pair of plants that looked like they were on death’s door, Tim’s office was located in the corner of the building where the floors were marble, the walls were covered in beautiful paintings, the plants were healthy, and there wasn’t a single fluorescent light to be seen. It was simply luxurious. And Tim’s office was no different. I pulled open the door, glancing at the two walls made completely of glass that looked out over all of Boston. The day was gray and cold, snowflakes falling here and there, but I could still make out the harbor in the distance reflecting the sky. It was an incredible view.
Shuffling forward, I walked around Tim’s desk, dropping the stack of papers into a rack on one side. I took a moment to tidy up his desk, one of my many duties that seemed a bit ridiculous. I wasn’t his secretary or his janitor, but he treated me like I was lower than both.
A glint of gold caught my eye as I rearranged his paperwork. Glancing down, I saw something sticking out of one of the bottom drawers. I reached down, pulling it open. A small gasp left my lips as I saw a set of three condoms wrapped in gold foil. Well, two condoms. The third was open and the rubber missing. Pulling the drawer open further, I saw a bottle of lube and a pair of black lace panties. Everyone knew Tim and his girlfriend liked to fuck in his office, but I guess this just proved it.
Grabbing a pen from his desk mug, I used it to push the condoms back into the drawer and closed it. I wasn’t grossed out by the condoms as much as I was by the fact that they were near a vagina. Don’t get me wrong, vaginas were good and wholesome things, but for me, they were just kind of… icky.
With the drawer finally closed and the desk rearranged, I started for the door, only to stop halfway. I still had Tim’s pen in my hand. If it had been any other pen, I would have kept going. However, it was his fountain pen, the one he used to sign everything. He’d notice it was missing and inevitably blame me. With a sigh, I doubled back around his desk, plopping it back into the mug.
The door handle to the office suddenly turned, startling me, and I knocked the mug to the ground, pens scattering across the floor under Tim’s desk. Just one more thing he could be pissed about. He never missed an opportunity to tell me how much of an annoyance I was. If I didn’t need the internship to graduate, I would’ve walked out already. But that degree was worth a lot more than my boss’s snarky comments. I could deal with it.
Ducking down behind the desk, I crawled underneath, gathering up the pens and putting them back in the cup. I heard the door close and the expensive leather-soled footsteps cross the room. They came up behind me and stopped.
“Damn, hot stuff,” my boss said, whistling through his teeth. “When you said you were gonna surprise me at work this morning, I didn’t think you’d be here so early.”
Clearly, he thought I was someone else. But before I could say anything, I felt a sharp slap on my ass, the sound echoing through the office.
I yelped, the pain catching me off guard, and bashed my head against the desk.
“What the fuck?”
A hand grabbed me by the collar, hauling me out from under the desk as I clutched the back of my skull. A dull pain throbbed through my head, my eyes watering as I saw the shocked expression on my boss’s face. My face was burning with embarrassment as I stared up at him. But that slap on the ass… well, that went straight to my cock.
“I… sorry… I thought you were somebody else–” He stopped, wiped the surprised look from his face, and cleared his throat. “What the hell are you doing under my desk?”
“I d-dropped your pens–”
“I don’t give a fuck,” Tim roared, looking absolutely disgusted with me. “Can’t you do anything right? You’re always bumbling around and making excuses.”
The handprint still burned on my ass, and I felt my slacks getting tighter with every passing moment. Gathering up the pens, I quickly put them back on his desk and got to my feet, taking a seat on the other side of the desk.
“What are you doing?” Tim growled, shaking his head.
“You… You said you wanted to go over some charts…”
“After you snuck in here and tricked me? I don’t think so.” He leaned over the desk, his bulge resting on the front edge of the wooden surface.
Was it just me, or did it look bigger than usual?
“I don’t want to see you for the rest of the day,” he said slowly. “Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, sir,” I nodded, unable to tear my eyes away from his cock.
It twitched once, then twice. That slap he gave me must have turned him on…
“Get the fuck out!”
“Right,” I said, shaking my head. “Sorry.”
I practically ran to the door.
“And don’t forget to send me those spreadsheets! They better be perfect!”
“I will.”
Pulling the door closed behind me, I leaned against the hallway wall, my hand over my chest. My heart was pounding, and my cock was rock-hard in my slacks. It took a moment to come to terms with what I was feeling.
My boss, the one I hated, had just slapped my ass, and… well, I loved it.